This is what Junki will look like in the new drama "Iljimae". Junki wearing the olden days clothes, this reminds me back of Junki as Gongil. Those beautiful days of Junki where Junki is know "More prettier than womens".
The first photo is really nice and shoted very beautifully (but I don't know if it's photoshoped). The 2nd photo is probably taken when they are filming.
I hope this will grab my heart back for my Junki obsession.
Actually I totally forgot to post this up because before while walking to find a place to eat lunch, I saw a big poster outside of a cinema. That movie poster is called "May 18" a Korean movie. I didn't know what movie it was but it was rare to have a Korean movie in Sydney. But that poster looks really familiar. Then I realise it was "Magnificent Vacation", they just changed the name to "May 18".
Because I'm in the middle of fighting against with my assessments so I couldn't spare the time to go to the cinema to watch it. Hope I get to watch it when the DVD releases.